A Strong and Experienced Team
Forces of medical care and nursing
Personalized and rigorous care, safety and quality of care accredited by recognized organizations make the Hospital Aboujaoudé a unique health facility.
Medical Care
Choice of a Doctor and personalized follow-up
During his whole stay, the patient is under the sole responsibility of the doctor he has chosen. Similarly, he is followed by a single anesthetist who ensures its care in pre and postoperative.
All major medical and surgical specialties are present in the hospital, which in particular makes it possible to avoid trips to external establishments for additional medical advice (reactivity and reduced length of stay).
Doctors accreditation
Doctors at Aboujaoudé Hospital are senior doctors, stemming from the hospital-university sector, and almost all of them, are former senior registrars or of equivalent level.
Doctors are rigorously selected after an accreditation procedure which guarantees their level of competence and experience and then re-evaluated each year.
Diagnostic tools
The professionals have within the establishment a very important technical platform, maintained constantly at the forefront of innovation. This technical set-up offers on-site and in the shortest possible time all the tools for investigation and treatment: no prolonged waiting or transfer to another institution to obtain an examination (a complementary point of the multidisciplinary, and in favor of the reactivity and the reduction of the length of stay).
Nursing Care
Custom support
Patients benefit from a real personalized management thanks to the made available staff.
Daily adjustment of the workforce to the workload
Every day, nursing executives communicate the number of patients in their units, allowing the Nursing Management to adjust the number of patients in each unit.
Competency assessment and annual mandatory training program
Competencies assessment of each caregiver is carried out yearly (for example, resuscitation test).
All caregivers follow also an annual mandatory training program.
Equipment to promote care quality
In all units, there are facilities to promote care quality : pain-relieving pump, pressure sores prevention equipment, falls detection system.
Inpatient satisfaction
In 2018, the Inpatient Satisfaction Survey showed that over 96 % of patients were very satisfied with the professional quality of caregivers.
Other forces
The environments and the quality of hotel services are factors contributing to the overall quality of care because of their impact on the physical and moral comfort of the patient, with a view to its recovery.
Security 24/7
Resuscitation and intensive care on site
A multi-purpose resuscitation unit and a coronary intensive care unit are open 24 / 7 with the presence of resuscitators on-site.
Emergency Management
A medical-surgical permanence ensures a 24 / 7 treatment by senior doctors experienced in emergency medicine. They may at any time call upon the medical specialists of the hospital, immediately mobilizable, for further medical advice.
Technical platforms are operational 24 hours a day in case of emergency :
- Laboratory, a laboratory technician is present at the hospital 24 / 7.
- Medical imaging, teams are on standby in the radiology, ultrasound, scanner, doppler and interventional radiology departments. A radio manipulator is also present at Aboujaoudé Hospital 24/ 7.
« blue code » procedure in the event of vital emergency within the Hospital
Implementation of a specific procedure at Aboujaoudé Hospital for more than 20 years has made it possible to alert and mobilize an emergency team 24 hours a day (cardiologist, resuscitator, nurses), who intervenes in less than 4 minutes of the patient in case of a life emergency.